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How are you going to market your business in 2025?

It’s a tough market out there.  Competition is high and trust is low. 

So how can you: 

  • get your message seen and heard;
  • educate your audience and make their lives better; and 
  • establish yourself as the thought leader / expert / total authority in your field? 

And how will you do it without making marketing your full-time job?

You need a blog!

I cannot underestimate how much you can do with a well-written blog.  

Consider these stats (from 2024): 

  •  83% of people read blogs regularly (Fit Small Business)
  • Business blogs can increase your web traffic by 55% (Hubspot)  
  •  Companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don’t blog. (Demand Metric)
  • And 100% of people who don’t blog are missing out on a great opportunity to recycle their content for further use. (In my experience)

So if you’re going to take time to market your business, let’s do something that’s going to get you more leads, more web traffic and more credibility in your space.

Are you ready? 

The Perfect Blog Does Exist Workshop

I’m hosting an action-packed workshop designed to help you get fired up and ready to blog!

Here are the details: 

Date: December 11, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM (EST)
Location: Zoom  

I’m anti-fluff (unless it’s comfy socks or marshmallow), so this isn’t going to be a long sales pitch.  This is a “grab your pen and paper and get writing” workshop where I share my frameworks and tips to help your blog succeed.

We’ll cover: 

  • How Google treats your content
  • How people read online
  • The framework for The Perfect Blog
  • How to recycle your content across other channels 

And for one lucky participant, we are going to map out their next blog post live and in living colour! 

Are you ready? Let’s do this! Register below!